Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Give priority to Sarawakians

  • Each year more and more school leavers @ graduates leaves educational institutions, venturing into the world of employment. The number are so huge and diverse that, it requires a careful statistical survey to know the exact number.

  • Hence, there are not enough jobs for them, most become unemployed.

  • These numbers consist of mainly form 5 and form 6 school leavers who are not able to further their studies.

  • In order to cope with this problems, the government need to take these measures, amongst others: a) increase intake into technical institutions with scholarship/financial aids provided, with an option to repay back. b) creating more jobs that suits their qualifications.

  • Employment is the key to acquisition of wealth. More jobs means greater wealth for the people.

  • The reason why Sarawak people (Sarawakians) are poor because most well paid jobs were taken up by West Malaysian workforce, hence more money taken out from Sarawak.

  • The only way to help the people and make Sarawak a wealthy state is by giving priority to the Sarawakians in terms of jobs distributions and stop the West Malaysian workforce from coming into the state.

  • The policy of UMNO with regards to Sarawak is nothing better than to oppress and marginalise Sarawakians.

  • Workforce from all over Semenanjung were being "released" into all corners of Sarawak just like hungry stray dogs.

  • What has the state government done to protect the employment rights of Sarawakians? Nothing. Yet, Sarawakians keep on voting for BN.

  • Sarawak BN government has become the tool of UMNO central government to oppress Sarawakians and sucked the wealth from its natural resources for their benefits.

  • In return, the Sarawak BN government are given the freedom to rule this country and suck the blood of Sarawakians as they pleased.

  • To Sarawak BN government, if you want to stay in power, please change your policy or it's your turn to face the political tsunamy during the next GE.

  • Give priority to Sarawakians, your legitimate voters.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Electricity tariff reduced by up to 5% (updated)

The following news is extracted from "The Star Online" dated 11 February, 2009.

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysians will get to enjoy slightly cheaper electricity beginning next month.

Some 5.2 million domestic users and households will get a 2.54% reduction in electricity tariffs while commercial and industrial users will have their rates cut by 2.7% to 5%.

On average, the price of electricity will come down to 31.31 sen per kWH (kilowatt hour) as compared with 32.5 sen per kWh (kilowatt hour) previously.

Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman Mansor said the electricity rates would be reviewed again on July 1 and subsequently every six months to ensure that they reflect the global price of gas and coal.

“We hope that this reduction will benefit all users, particularly those in the industrial sector, and help lower their cost of operation during this economic crisis.

“For the domestic users, the Government would have liked to reduce their electricity rates by a bigger margin. However, when we last reviewed the electricity tariffs last July, we only allowed a slight increase in the rates despite the soaring prices of oil and gas at that time,” he said.

Last year, the tariffs were raised by 12% for consumers and 26% for industrial and commercial consumers. The last increase before this was in 2006, when rates were upped by about 14%.

“The reduction today will better reflect market prices. Our energy generation is also by coal, which has not shown any significant reduction in price,” Shaziman said, adding that in fact the price of coal was now at RM307.70 (US$85) per tonne, up from RM271.50 (US$75) per tonne last July.

“Although coal only comprises 28% of electricity generation in the country, the cost of purchase makes up 20% of the entire fuel costs,” he said.

Last week, he had announced that Malaysians might get their electricity rates reduced by between 5% to 10%.

Shaziman said another reason for the lower than expected reduction was that the Government had decided to divert 100 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) supply of gas meant for the electricity sector to the industries starting this year.

“This is meant to spur the economy as well as enhance investors’ confidence in Malaysia.

“It is now up to the Economic Planning Unit and the International Trade and Industry Ministry to decide which industries will benefit from this extra supply of gas,” he said.

Shaziman said the ministry had also received the green light from the Government for the Energy Commission to look into the terms for the renegotiation of existing agreements between Tenaga Nasional Bhd and the independent power producers.

“We want to look into the terms carefully so that we don’t have to backtrack in our renegotiations when something new arises,” he said.

Shaziman said Malaysia was also in discussion with a power company in Indonesia to sell electricity to Sumatra due to the high demand there as well as to reduce the high reserve margin of electricity here.

“We are thinking of building an electricity grid to export power to Sumatra . We already had a couple of meetings with the company PLN,” he said.

Dear Fellow Sarawakians,

Don’t be overjoyed by the above news!!! Eventhough the news did mentioned that the electricity tariff will be reduced for Malaysians. DON’T BE MISLED!!! The reductions are applicable to “SEMENANJUNG ONLY” NOT FOR SARAWAK!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


SCORE (Sarawak Corridor Of Renewable Energy) telah dilancarkan di Bintulu pada tahun 2008 sebelum pilihanraya umum ke 12 oleh Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.   Difahamkan SCORE mempunyai visi dan misi untuk mewujudkan 1.6 juta peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat negeri Sarawak menjelang tahun 2030 dan seterusnya dapat menaikkan taraf kehidupan rakyat di kawasan yang terbabit.

Namun, sehingga hari ini, sudah hampir setahun berlalu semenjak pelancaran SCORE, belum nampak tanda tanda program tersebut akan dilaksanakan.   Apakah kita perlu menunggu selama 5 tahun lagi untuk menikmati hasil daripada program tersebut, iaitu apabila menjelang pilihanraya yang seterusnya, PRU ke 13 nanti?

Nampaknya, kerajaan ingin menjadinya sebagai platform bagi mengabui mata rakyat serta menarik undi rakyat.   Mungkin kerajaan BN sudah tidak ada isu lagi.   Kita sebagai rakyat biasa yang langsung tidak ada pengetahuan tentang hal ini tentu akan percaya 100% kepada manifesto tersebut.   Kenapa mengambil masa yang begitu lama untuk memulakan perlaksanaan program tersebut, sedangkan kerajaan BN hanya ada masa selama 22 tahun untuk mencapai matlamat 2030?

Apabila sampai waktu untuk memilih kerajaan yang baru nanti, sudah tentu kita akan menconteng lambang dacing lagi kerana takut program tersebut tidak dapat diteruskan dan tidak diberi peruntukan untuk menjalankan pembangunan.   Seperti lazimnya, selepas habis pilihanraya, kita akan kembali sebok mencari nafkah dan sudah pasti akan lupa akan manisfesto tersebut, sehinggalah tiba masa pilihanraya yang seterusnya.   Begitulah dari dulu sehingga sekarang tidak ada perubahan pada amalan kerajaan BN.