Sunday, January 25, 2009

Changes In Malaysia

Nowadays, in Malaysia, especially among bloggers, everybody is talking about changes. They talk about political changes, leadership changes and eventually, governmental changes. Thus far there has been more talks and criticisms than actual actions, with the exceptions of Anwar Ibrahim. No doubt, other than DSAI, they are not in the position to or having the accessibility to effect that changes. DSAI have tried, but pitifully have failed.

Except for DSAI, in order to achieve these changes, what have they done? What are the contigency plans that they have worked out in order to bring about these changes? Changes cannot be effected by mere talks and criticizing. Changes needs all the proper planning, organisation and immediate implementation, in short summarized as"ACTIONS".

Yes, we look forward to see these changes and eagerly waiting to celebrate their success. Question is. will that dream becomes reality for us and a nightmare for those currently in power? How soon will that happen? Who will spearhead these changes? Do we still trust DSAI to lead us towards these changes? If so, how committed is he? Does DSAI have any other hidden agendas? What actually are his motives? Revenge? Personal glory? Self political gains?

However, interesting to note that, leadership changes does not necessarily means changes in the ruling coalition. Leadership changes does not mean PR taking over Malaysian parliament from BN. Leadership changes may means that the old and season leaders giving way to the much younger talents and caliber to lead.

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